Thursday, 26 April 2018

Core Java: Miscellaneous Topic

Implicit Type-Casting for Method's Parameters
A method that takes a double parameter can accept any numeric primitive type, such as int or float. This is because implicit type-casting is carried out. However, a method that take a int parameter cannot accept a double value. This is because the implicit type-casting is always a widening conversion which prevents loss of precision. An explicit type-cast is required for narrowing conversion. Read "Type-Casting" on the conversion rules.
Command-Line Arguments
Java's main(String[] args) method takes an argument: String[] args, i.e., a String array named args. This is known as "command-line arguments", which corresponds to the augments provided by the user when the java program is invoked. For example, a Java program called Arithmetic could be invoked with additional command-line arguments as follows (in a "cmd" shell):
java Arithmetic 12 3456 +
Each argument, i.e., "12", "3456" and "+", is a String. Java runtime packs all the arguments into a String array and passes into the main() method as args. For this example, args has the following properties:
args = {"12", "3456", "+"}   // "args" is a String array
args.length = 3              // length of the array args
args[0] = "12"               // Each element of the array is a String
args[1] = "3456"
args[2] = "+"
args[0].length() = 2         // length of the String
args[1].length() = 4
args[2].length() = 1
Example: The program Arithmetic reads three parameters form the command-line, two integers and an arithmetic operator ('+', '-', '*', or '/'), and performs the arithmetic operation accordingly. For example,
java Arithmetic 3 2 +
java Arithmetic 3 2 -
java Arithmetic 3 2 /
public class Arithmetic {
   public static void main (String[] args) {
      int operand1, operand2;
      char theOperator;
      operand1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);  // Convert String to int
      operand2 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
      theOperator = args[2].charAt(0);       // Consider only 1st character
      System.out.print(args[0] + args[2] + args[1] + "=");
      switch(theOperator) {
         case ('+'):
            System.out.println(operand1 + operand2); break;
         case ('-'):
            System.out.println(operand1 - operand2); break;
         case ('*'):
            System.out.println(operand1 * operand2); break;
         case ('/'):
            System.out.println(operand1 / operand2); break;
            System.out.printf("%nError: Invalid operator!");


Convert a binary string into its equivalent decimal number.
Version 1:
 * Prompt user for a binary string, and convert into its equivalent decimal number.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bin2Dec {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String binStr;  // The input binary string
      int binStrLen;  // The length of binStr
      int dec = 0;    // The decimal equivalent, accumulate from 0

      // Read input
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      System.out.print("Enter a binary string: ");
      binStr =;
      binStrLen = binStr.length();

      // Process char by char from the right (i.e. Least-significant bit)
      for (int exp = 0; exp < binStrLen ; ++exp) {
         int charPos = binStrLen - 1 - exp;     // charAt(pos)
         char binChar = binStr.charAt(charPos);
         // 3 cases: '1' (add to dec), '0' (do nothing), other (error)
         if (binChar == '1') {
            dec += (int)Math.pow(2, exp);  // cast the double result back to int
         } else if (binChar != '0') {
            System.out.println("Error: Invalid binary string \"" + binStr + "\"");
            System.exit(1);   // quit

      // Print result
      System.out.println("The equivalent decimal for \"" + binStr + "\" is " + dec);
binStr             : 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
charAt(pos)        : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  (pos counts from the left)
Math.pow(2, exp)   : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  (exp counts from the right)

binStr.length() = 8
pos + exp = binStr.length() - 1
Version 2:
 * Prompt user for a binary string, and convert into its equivalent decimal number.
 * Validate the input string.
 * Repeat the program, until user chooses to quit.
 * Allow blank in the binary string, e.g., "0100 1000".
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bin2DecIteractive {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String inStr;  // The input binary string
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      boolean done = false;  // boolean flag for controlling the loop

      while (!done) {
         // Prompt for the input string
         System.out.print("Enter a binary string or 'q' to quit: ");
         inStr = in.nextLine();  // read entire line including blanks
         if (inStr.equals("q")) {
            done = true;
         } else if (!isValidBinStr(inStr)) {
            System.out.println("Error: Invalid binary string: \"" + inStr + "\", try again.");
         } else {
            System.out.println("The equivalent decimal number for \"" + inStr + "\" is " + bin2Dec(inStr));

   // Return true if the given string contains only binary numbers and blanks.
   public static boolean isValidBinStr(String binStr) {
      for (int i = 0; i < binStr.length(); ++i) {
         char binChar = binStr.charAt(i);
         if (binChar != '0' && binChar != '1' && binChar != ' ') {
            return false;  // break on first invalid char
      return true;

   // Return the equivalent decimal number of the given binary string.
   // Blanks are allowed in the binStr, e.g., "0010 1000".
   // Assume that the input contains '0', '1' or ' '.
   public static int bin2Dec(String binStr) {
      int binStrLen = binStr.length();  // The length of binStr
      int dec = 0;  // Equivalent decimal number, accumulating from 0

      // We need to process from the right (i.e. Least-significant bit)
      for (int charPos = binStrLen - 1, exp = 0; charPos >= 0; --charPos) {
         char binChar = binStr.charAt(charPos);
         // 3 cases: '1' (add to dec, ++exp), '0' (++exp), ' ' (do nothing)
         if (binChar == '1') {
            dec += (int)Math.pow(2, exp);
         } else if (binChar == '0') {
         } // else for ' ' (do nothing)
      return dec;

  EG 2: Hex2Dec

Convert a hexadecimal string to its decimal equivalence.
 * Prompt user for the hexadecimal string, and convert to its equivalent decimal number
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hex2Dec {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String hexStr;   // The input hexadecimal String
      int hexStrLen;   // The length of hexStr
      int dec = 0;     // The decimal equivalent, accumulating from 0

      // Read input
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      System.out.print("Enter a Hexadecimal string: ");
      hexStr =;
      hexStrLen = hexStr.length();

      // Process char by char from the right (least-significant digit)
      for (int exp = 0; exp < hexStrLen; ++exp) {
         int charPos = hexStrLen - 1 - exp;
         char hexChar = hexStr.charAt(charPos);
         int factor = (int)Math.pow(16, exp);
         // 23 cases: '0'-'9', 'a'-'f', 'A'-'F', other (error)
         if (hexChar >= '1' && hexChar <= '9') {
            dec += (hexChar - '0') * factor;
         } else if (hexChar >= 'a' && hexChar <= 'f') {
            dec += (hexChar - 'a' + 10) * factor;
         } else if (hexChar >= 'A' && hexChar <= 'F') {
            dec += (hexChar - 'A' + 10) * factor;
         } else {
            System.out.println("Error: Invalid hex string \"" + hexStr + "\"");
      System.out.println("The equivalent decimal for \"" + hexStr + "\" is " + dec);
You may use to reduce the number of cases. But that modifies the input string.

  EG 3: Dec2Hex

Convert a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalence.
 * Prompt user for an int, and convert to its equivalent hexadecimal number.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Dec2Hex {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      int dec;              // The input decimal number
      String hexStr = "";   // The equivalent hex String, accumulating from empty String
      int radix = 16;       // Hex radix
      char[] hexChar = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
          'A','B','C','D','E','F'};  // Use this array as lookup table
      // Read input
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      System.out.print("Enter a decimal number: ");
      dec = in.nextInt();
      // Repeated division and get the remainder
      while (dec > 0) {
         int hexDigit = dec % radix;
         hexStr = hexChar[hexDigit] + hexStr;  // append in front of the hex string
         dec = dec / radix;
      System.out.println("The equivalent hexadecimal number is " + hexStr);

  EG 4: Hex2Bin

Convert a hexadecimal number to its binary equivalence.
 * Prompt user for a hexadecimal string, and convert to its binary equivalence.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hex2Bin {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String hexStr;     // The input hexadecimal String
      int hexStrLen;     // The length of hexStr
      String binStr =""; // The equivalent binary String, accumulating from empty String
      // Lookup table for the binary string corresponding to Hex digit '0' (index 0) to 'F' (index 15)
      String[] binStrs
         = {"0000","0001","0010","0011","0100","0101","0110","0111",
      // Read input
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      System.out.print("Enter a Hexadecimal string: ");
      hexStr =;
      hexStrLen = hexStr.length();
      // Process the string from the left
      for (int pos = 0; pos < hexStrLen; ++pos) {
         char hexChar = hexStr.charAt(pos);
         if (hexChar >= '0' && hexChar <= '9') {
            binStr += binStrs[hexChar-'0'];  // index into the binStrs array
         } else if (hexChar >= 'a' && hexChar <= 'f') {
            binStr += binStrs[hexChar-'a'+10];
         } else if (hexChar >= 'A' && hexChar <= 'F') {
            binStr += binStrs[hexChar-'A'+10];
         } else {
            System.err.println("Error: Invalid Hex string \"" + hexStr + "\"");
            System.exit(1);  // quit
      System.out.println("The equivalent binary for \"" + hexStr + "\" is \"" + binStr + "\"");

  EG 5: Guess A Number

Guess a number between 0 and 99.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NumberGuess {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      int secretNumber;     // Secret number to be guessed
      int numberIn;         // The guessed number entered
      int trialNumber = 0;  // Number of trials so far
      boolean done = false; // boolean flag for loop control
      // Set up the secret number
      // Math.random() generates a double in [0.0, 1.0)
      secretNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100);
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;

      while (!done) {
         System.out.print("Enter your guess (between 0 and 99): ");
         numberIn = in.nextInt();
         if (numberIn == secretNumber) {
            done = true;
         } else if (numberIn < secretNumber) {
            System.out.println("Try higher");
         } else {
            System.out.println("Try lower");
      System.out.println("You got in " + trialNumber +" trials");

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