Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Core Java: Arithmetic Operators

1.      Unary arithmetic operator
Work on single operand
-ve and + ve example-
y=-x ; or  y=+x;
2.      Binary arithmetic operator
Work on two operand  
expr1 * expr2
2 * 3 → 6
3.3 * 1.0 → 3.3
expr1 / expr2
1 / 2 → 0
1.0 / 2.0 → 0.5
Remainder (Modulus)
expr1 % expr2
5 % 2 → 1
-5 % 2 → -1
5.5 % 2.2 → 1.1
(or unary positive)
expr1 + expr2
1 + 2 → 3
1.1 + 2.2 → 3.3
(or unary negate)
expr1 - expr2
1 - 2 → -1
1.1 - 2.2 → -1.1
Arithmetic Expressions
In programming, the following arithmetic expression:
must be written as (1+2*a)/3 + (4*(b+c)*(5-d-e))/f - 6*(7/g+h). You cannot omit the multiplication symbol (*), as in Mathematics.
Rules on Precedence Like Mathematics:
·        The multiplication (*), division (/) and remainder (%) take precedence over addition (+) and subtraction (-). For example, 1+2*3-4/2 is interpreted as 1+(2*3)-(4/2).
·        Unary '+' (positive) and '-' (negate) have higher precedence.
·        Parentheses () have the highest precedence and can be used to change the order of evaluation.
·        Within the same precedence level (e.g., addition and subtraction), the expression is evaluated from left to right (called left-associative). For example, 1+2-3+4 is evaluated as ((1+2)-3)+4 and 1*2%3/4 is ((1*2)%3)/4.
Mixed-Type Operations
·        The arithmetic operators are only applicable to primitive numeric types: byte, short, int, long, float, double, and char. These operators do not apply to boolean.
·        If both operands are int, long, float or double, the arithmetic operations are carried in that type, and evaluated to a value of that type, i.e., int 5 + int 6 → int 11; double 2.1 + double 1.2 → double 3.3.
·        It is important to take note int division produces an int, i.e., int/int → int, with the result truncated, e.g., 1/2 → 0, instead of 0.5?!
·        If both operand are byte, short or char, the operations are carried out in int, and evaluated to a value of int. A char is treated as a 16-bit unsigned integer in the range of [0, 65535]. For example, byte 127 + byte 1 → int 127 + int 1 → int 128.
·        If the two operands belong to different types, the value of the smaller type is promoted automatically to the larger type (known as implicit type-casting). The operation is then carried out in the larger type, and evaluated to a value in the larger type.
·        byte, short or char is first promoted to int before comparing with the type of the other operand.
·        The order of promotion is: int → long → float → double.
For examples,
1.      int/double → double/double → double. Hence, 1/2 → 0, 1.0/2.0 → 0.5, 1.0/2 → 0.5, 1/2.0 → 0.5.
2.      char + float → int + float → float + float → float.
3.      9 / 5 * 20.1 → (9 / 5) * 20.1 → 1 * 20.1 → 1.0 * 20.1 → 20.1 (You probably don't expect this answer!)
4.      byte 1 + byte 2 → int 1 + int 2 → int 3 (The result is an int, NOT byte!)
5.      byte b1 = 1, b2 = 2;
6.      byte b3 = b1 + b2;  // Compilation Error: possible loss of precision
// b1+b2 returns an int, cannot be assigned to byte
The type-promotion rules for binary operations can be summarized as follows:
1.      If one of the operand is double, the other operand is promoted to double;
2.      Else If one of the operand is float, the other operand is promoted to float;
3.      Else If one of the operand is long, the other operand is promoted to long;
4.      Else both operands are promoted to int.
The type-promotion rules for unary operations (e.g., negate '-') can be summarized as follows:
1.      If the operand is double, float, long or int, there is no promotion.
2.      Else (the operand is byte, short, char), the operand is promoted to int.
For example,
byte b1 = 1;
byte b2 = -b1;  // Compilation Error: possible loss of precision
                // -b1 returns an int, cannot be assigned to byte
Remainder (Modulus) Operator
To evaluate the remainder (for negative and floating-point operands), perform repeated subtraction until the absolute value of the remainder is less than the absolute value of the second operand.
For example,
-5 % 2 ⇒ -3 % 2 ⇒ -1
5.5 % 2.2 ⇒ 3.3 % 2.2 ⇒ 1.1
Java does not have an exponent operator. (The '^' operator is for exclusive-or, NOT exponent). You need to use method Math.exp(x, y) to evaluate x raises to power y.
Study the output of the following program:
 * Illustrate "int" overflow
public class OverflowTest {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Range of int is [-2147483648, 2147483647]
      int i1 = 2147483647;  // maximum int
      System.out.println(i1 + 1);   // -2147483648 (overflow!)
      System.out.println(i1 + 2);   // -2147483647
      System.out.println(i1 * i1);  // 1
      int i2 = -2147483648;  // minimum int
      System.out.println(i2 - 1);   // 2147483647 (overflow!)
      System.out.println(i2 - 2);   // 2147483646
      System.out.println(i2 * i2);  // 0
·        In arithmetic operations, the resultant value wraps around if it exceeds its range (i.e., overflow). Java runtime does NOT issue an error/warning message but produces an incorrect result.
·        On the other hand, integer division produces an truncated integer and results in so-called underflow. For example, 1/2 gives 0, instead of 0.5. Again, Java runtime does NOT issue an error/warning message, but produces an imprecise result.
·        It is important to take note that checking of overflow/underflow is the programmer's responsibility. i.e., your job!!!
·        Why computer does not flag overflow/underflow as an error? This is due to the legacy design when the processors were very slow. Checking for overflow/underflow consumes computation power. Today, processors are fast. It is better to ask the computer to check for overflow/underflow (if you design a new language), because few humans expect such results.
·        To check for arithmetic overflow (known as secure coding) is tedious. Google for "INT32-C. Ensure that operations on signed integers do not result in overflow" @

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