Saturday, 8 April 2017

CSS Pseudo-classes

CSS Pseudo-classes

CSS pseudo-classes are used to add special effects to some selectors.


The syntax of pseudo-classes:

selector:pseudo-class {property:value;}
CSS classes can also be used with pseudo-classes:
selector.class:pseudo-class {property:value;}


The "CSS" column indicates in which CSS version the property is defined (CSS1 or CSS2).

Pseudo name
Adds a style to an element that is activated
Adds a style to an element that is the first child of another element
Adds a style to an element that has keyboard input focus
Adds a style to an element when you mouse over it
Adds a style to an element with a specific lang attribute
Adds a style to an unvisited link
Adds a style to a visited link

CSS - The :lang Pseudo-class

The :lang pseudo-class allows you to define special rules for different languages.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<style type="text/css">
quotes: "~" "~";
<p>Some text <q lang="no">A quote in a paragraph</q> Some text.</p>
<p>In this example, :lang defines the quotation marks for q elements with lang="no":</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 8 (and higher) supports the :lang pseudo class
if a !DOCTYPE is specified.</p>

CSS Pseudo-elements


The syntax of pseudo-elements:
selector:pseudo-element {property:value;}
CSS classes can also be used with pseudo-elements:
selector.class:pseudo-element {property:value;}


The "CSS" column indicates in which CSS version the property is defined (CSS1 or CSS2).

Pseudo name
Adds content after an element
Adds content before an element
Adds a style to the first character of a text
Adds a style to the first line of a text

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